Serving SE Wisconsin, Green En Vie Microgreens specializes in growing high-quality microgreens. Our Microgreens are grown year-round in an indoor controlled environment. We compost our soil and feed our microgreens with the highest quality nutrients.
Contains 4 - 40 times more nutrients by weight than their fully-grown counterparts
Prevent the buildup of harmful free radicals
Associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer & Alzheirmer's disease
Contain wider variety of polyphenols than their mature vegetable counterparts
Animal studies have shown microgreens may reduce heart disease risk factors, such as weight, bad LDL cholesterol & triglycerides
Modifying your diet, including adding more microgreens to it, you can reduce your chance of becoming a statistic
Veggie consumption is associated with lower risk of certain cancers, inflammation, heart disease, diabetes & obesity
Inflammation is a major indicator of disease in the body